*News! Kids Can Cook!

*NEWS! Kids Can Cook program will be held on Thursdays ONLY for the Fall Semester. Starting September 22 at 3 p.m  Hope to see you there!      After School Program Fun in the kitchen with macrobiotics and fresh local whole foods, sewing creations, crafts and dance! I’m very excited to be spending time with […]

More from Kids Can Cook!

We have been having so much fun! Origami one day, paper mache masks the next. Baking muffins, cooking apple sauce, spaghetti sauce and hummus from scratch! Don’t forget the dancing and dress-up! Junior High night has become so popular that I have added an extra night! The program is now every other Tuesday evening. Join […]

Kids Can Cook!

After School Program Fun in the kitchen with macrobiotics and fresh local whole foods, sewing creations, crafts and dance! I’m very excited to be spending time with your wonderful children. I hope they all enjoy the fall program with me. We will be dancing, making crafts and doing lots of cooking! All of our projects […]