Spring Challenge Day 18- Miso Soup With Brown Rice And Scallions
This is a nice recipe by Aveline Kushi Miso soup with brown rice and scallions 1 3- inch piece dried wakame 2 Cups sliced scallions and scallion roots 1 Quart spring water 2 Cups cooked brown rice 11/4 to 11/2 Tablespoons miso 1 Scallion, sliced for garnish Rince off the wakame quickly and soak […]
Spring challenge Day 4- Rice, Avocado, And Corn Salad
Rice, Avocado, And Corn Salad Dressing 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 1 Tablespoon olive oil 1 Tablespoon brown rice vinegar 1 Tablespoon shoyu Salad 1/2 Cup almonds Kernels from 2 ears of corn 2 Avocados 3 Cups cooked brown rice 2 Dill pickles,diced 1/2 Small red onion, finely chopped To make the dressing, […]
Spring Challenge Day 2- Perfect Brown Rice
Welcome to your first day of the Spring Cooking Challenge. Day 1 was picking your cookbook. Today we start cooking. Let me know with comments and pictures how your challenge is going! Perfect Brown Rice 2 Cups short- or medium-grain brown rice, soaked in spring water overnight if possible 4 Cups spring water 2 Pinches […]
Whole Foods Supper Club – GRAINS!
AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL This month it’s all about GRAINS! Thursday March 15th at 6:30 p.m Tasty whole foods supper club. Fun, interactive cooking classes. After all the washing,sorting, chopping, slicing, sauteing, flipping and frying you get to sit down and enjoy our creations. With humor and guidance we […]
Whole Foods Supper Club- SUSHI!
AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL Happy New Year Everyone! We love to have sushi, so sushi it is! What a wonderful thing. It has all the food groups rolled up into one perfect bite! Iron,zinc,copper,calcium,fiber,b1,protein,manganese,and lots more…. ( Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, […]
Spring Challenge Day 7-Kale And Black-Eyed Pea Soup
Kale And Black -Eyed Pea Soup 1 to 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 to 3 cloves of fresh garlic, thinly sliced 1 Yellow onion, diced Sea salt 2 to 3 Stalks of celery, diced 1 Carrot, diced 1 Teaspoon sweet paprika 1 Bay leaf 4 Cups spring or filtered water 11/4 Cups canned diced […]
Wild rice, sweet rice, brown rice, long grain, short grain, red rice, white rice,jasmine rice, sticky rice,sake rice,basmati rice… So many kinds of rice! So how about a Rice song! [youtube width=”300″ height=”300″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM4kZHnce2U&list=UUBNTCGgPOkhaHg8ENxAJpYw&index=14&feature=plcp[/youtube]