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Spring Challenge Day8-Basic Miso soup

Wow our second week! I would love for you to post pictures and recipes that  you have been making in my comments section. I hope that You are having fun adding a new recipe a day and if you are following Aveline’s recipes with me you are enjoying them as much as my family. Week […]


What a busy summer! Here we are back in New Haven and it’s fall again. My family and I traveled home to beautiful Prince Edward Island for the summer.I had so much fun catching up with friends and spending time with family. I also had the pleasure of working at my mother’sflower farm , at the […]


…”You wouldn’t try and drive an empty car to work would you? So why drive an empty body?” Breakfast –  (Literally breaking a fast ). It is the meal eaten after a long period of sleep. Eaten mostly in the morning, it is the most important meal of the day. Without breakfast you simply will […]