Spring Challenge Day -31

Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Save February, with twenty-eight days clear, And twenty-nine each leap year. It’s been 31 days. Thank you Jessica Porter for helping to feed my family and challenging me with new, fun, whole foods , macrobiotic recipes. I hope that everyone’s recipe repertoire has increased […]

Spring Challenge Day 27- Kanten

Kanten– by Aveline Kushi 2 Cups spring or filtered water 2 Cups apple juice Pinch of sea salt 1 Bar or 6 tbsp agar-agar (follow package instructions) 3 Medium-sized apples, sliced and cored In a pot bring liquids to a boil, gradually stirring in the agar-agar until it dissolves. Reduce heat to low and simmer […]

Fall Creations

 The Fruits of fall We spent many afternoons so far this fall at U-pick farms,where we picked berries, apples, pears, peaches and more. Such a great outdoor activity!  A day in the sun,fresh air and delicious fruit.   Raspberries  Raspberry kanten 1 1/2 Cups water 1 1/2 Cups apple juice 4 tbsp agar-agar flakes 1 […]