Spring Challenge Day 11- Miso Soup With Broccoli And Sesame Seeds

  Miso Soup With Broccoli And Sesame Seeds   This recipe is by Aveline Kushi from her book Complete guide to macrobiotic cooking.   1 large broccoli stalk 1 teaspoon dark sesame oil 1 quart spring water 1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds 1 1/4 tablespoons miso — up to 11/2 1 quart spring water The […]


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIsSHq0n3C8[/youtube] Green Rolls 1 big bunch of collard greens, steamed 2-3 carrots boiled whole , cut in half length wise 1/4 tsp umeboshi paste 1tsp toasted sesame seeds 1/4  Cup caramelized red onions (made with olive oil and a touch of maple syrup and a pinch of sea salt) bamboo sushi mat Steam or blanch […]

Spring Challenge Day 25-Gomashio

This is for my brother who really really loves Gomashio! Gomashio-by Aveline kushi Adult Gomashio 1 Cup sesame seeds 11/2 -3 Tbsp sea salt Very Active Adult Gomashio 1 Cup sesame seeds 31/2-4 Tbsap sea salt Children’s Gomashio 1 Cup sesame seeds 11/2-2 Tbsp sea salt Wash seeds in a very fine mesh strainer as […]

Boiled Salad

2 cups carrots, shaved 2 cups celery, sliced into thin diagonals 1 cup cauliflower florets 2 tbsp roasted sesame seeds 1 tsp dulse flakes 3 cups water pinch of sea salt Bring water and sea salt to a boil, add cauliflower and and boil for about 1-2 minutes.Remove cauliflower, and set aside in a bowl. […]