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Whole Foods Supper Club- SUSHI!

AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL Happy New Year Everyone! We love to have sushi, so sushi it is! What a wonderful thing. It has all the food groups rolled up into one perfect bite!  Iron,zinc,copper,calcium,fiber,b1,protein,manganese,and lots more…. ( Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, […]

Whole Foods Supper Club!

AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER , FALL Tasty whole foods supper club. Fun, interactive cooking classes. Monthly starting January 20th at 6:30p.m After all the washing,sorting, chopping, slicing, sauteing, flipping and frying you get to sit down and enjoy our creations. With humor and guidance we will collectively make the meal together. […]

Spring Challenge!

Tomorrow I will be starting my spring cooking challenge.  If you don’t own Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking) don’t fret, I will be posting all the recipes as well as photos and you can follow along. Or, pick your favorite cookbook  or Chef to follow. The point is adding new recipes to […]

Coming soon…Spring Challenge !

I watched the movie “Julia and Julia” the other night and was inspired! What a great way to learn how to cook. I would like to propose the same kind of challenge. But I have a few twists. For starters my “Julia” is Aveline Kushi and I’m thinking 30 recipes not 500 and over the […]