Packing and Popsicles
We are having this amazing tropical weather the last couple of days.. In the mid 30’s! It really makes packing a chore, a bore and I really don’t feel like doing it anymore. 🙂 But with one of my handy dandy homemade Popsicles you can accomplish any task! -1-Popsicle mold -Your favorite juice, apple sauce, […]
Spring Challenge Day 16-Fruit salad
Fruit Salad-by Aveline kushi Lettuce leaves 1/2 Cup cubed honeydew melon 1/2 Cup cubed cantaloupe 1/2 Cup seeded watermelon shaped into balls with a scoop 1/2 Cup sliced unpeeled apples Pinch of sea salt Put a few fresh leaves in the bottom of a serving bowl. In a separate bowl mix the fruit with the […]