Spring Challenge Day 17- Mustard Green Pickles

Mustard Green Pickles-by Aveline kushi 10 Whole mustard green leaves Sea salt Wash the mustard greens, drain, and place 3 leaves in a pickle press or bowl. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on the leaves. make another layer of 3-4 leaves and sprinkle with salt. Finally add the remaining leaves and salt. Place the […]

Spring Challenge Day 19- Mustard Green Pickles

Mustard Green Pickles-by Aveline kushi 10 Whole mustard green leaves Sea salt Wash the mustard greens, drain, and place 3 leaves in a pickle press or bowl. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on the leaves. make another layer of 3-4 leaves and sprinkle with salt. Finally add the remaining leaves and salt. Place the […]