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Just A Bit Spicy

Yum Yum Yum mmm = 1/3 Bottle of Heart beets hot sauce 1 Pkg of Heart beets tempeh, sliced 1/4inch slices 1/2 Cup water 11/2 Tablespoons sesame oil Voila! Heat sesame oil in a big frying pan, place tempeh cut side down and let brown for 2-3 minutes. Flip the tempeh over and pour hot […]

Tomato Convert

Ok I have NEVER liked tomatoes! The texture.. the smell… UNTIL.. Green Tiger Heirloom Tomatoes grown by  Heart Beet Organics They recently had a tomato festival and these little guys won first in peoples choice. I can see why. They are firm with a unique flavour. I have been putting them on everything! Sliced thin […]

Spring Cooking Challenge 2016 Day -27 Kombucha

Heart beet organics ! I have tried many products from these lovely women but one of my favorite is there ginger kombucha!  They have other lovely flavours too such as strawberry and lavender. A wonderful fermented, effervescent probiotic. Yum!

Spring Challenge 2016 Day 25- Soycaccino

I came up with this name a few years ago for a soy cappuccino. But this gang knows what I’m talking about! I dont drink a lot of coffee but when I do I like to get a Soycaccino at the Charlottetown farmers market. I think they can make an almond milk one one too […]

Spring cooking challenge 2016 Day 22- Carrot Juice

See this guy? His name is Mathew. You can find him and his lovely employees (my Ingrid is one )at the Charlottetown farmers market every Saturday. Try one of his local fresh squeezed carrot juices! You can even add some apple or ginger!

Spring Challenge Day 23- Kale Salad

Serving up this yummy salad at the Charlottetown Farmers Market! Kale salad Organic kale, washed and sliced thin Whole wheat crutons Dried organic cranberries Organic sunflower seeds Organic cherry tomatoes Cubes of fried tofu Sliced organic mushrooms Salad dressing Here is a salad dressing to try Raspberry Mustard Dressing  1/2 Cup extra virgin olive oil […]


See you at the charlottetown farmers market this saturday!     ALL ORDERS THIS SATURDAY JANUARY 11TH! FREE samples of local and organic vegetables!  Come and say Hi to MacroMom and try a delicious bite of our homemade, organic,vegan menu!  

To Market, To Market To Buy A Fat.. Tofu loaf ….?!

Happy December everyone! Stop by the Charlottetown Farmers Market this Saturday for some great vegan treats! This Weeks Menu Spicy tahini noodles – $5.00 Gluten free spicy tahini noodles -$5.00 Tofu “meat” loaf – $8.00 Steamed chestnuts with fennel seed – $5.00 Mashed red potatoes with a seitan mushroom gravy and saute greens – $8.00 […]

Farmers Market Menu

MacroMom is back at the Charlottetown Farmers Market! Serving up whole foods for the whole family. Vegan, Vegetarian, macrobiotic goodness. Every week the menu will change slightly. We use as much organic and local ingredients that we can find! Here is the menu this week. Spicy tahini noodles $5 Gluten free spicy tahini noodles $5 […]

Back At The Charlottetown Farmers Market!

Macromom will be back at the Charlottetown Farmers Market this coming Saturday Oct 26. Organic dry goods, organic vegetarian/vegan eat in or take out. Hope to see you all there!