Tomorrow we will be starting the SIXTH annual spring challenge. The last five years went great! We used Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking), Christina Cooks-Everything You Always Wanted to Know about WholeFoods but were afraid to ask, The Hip Chick’s guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter. Then it was all about miso soup! and all about greens! This year it’s all about ROOTS! Some of my recipes and some from the many cookbooks in my pantry. Soon you will feel wonderful eating a new delicious bite of root vegetable everyday . Don’t worry if you don’t own any root vegetable recipes. I will be posting the recipes everyday with photos.
Day 1- Ingrids Mashed Roots
Day 2- Leek And Parsnip Soup
Day 3- Kick Butt Saute
Day 4- Pressed Salad
Day 5- Ribbon Celeriac Salad
Day 6- Dandelion Root Coffee
Day 7- Cassava With Turmeric