
Category: Tips and Tricks

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Spring Challenge 2016

Tomorrow we will be starting the seventh annual spring challenge.  The last six years went great! We used Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking),  Christina Cooks-Everything

Spring Challenge 2015!

Tomorrow we will be starting the SIXTH annual spring challenge.  The last five years went great! We used Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking),  Christina Cooks-Everything


Onions! White, yellow, red, green. All so amazing! Almost every thing I cook starts out with onions. Onions are high in vitamin C, A, potassium,

That’s Hot!

It’s definitely spicy when a good friend gives you several pounds of hot peppers! Here is what I have done with them so far. Please

Chilly November Morning

  It was quite chilly when we woke up today. I thought I’d add a little extra to our morning miso soup.. Miso For Chilly