(April fools)

Summer Style Fried Rice, by Aveline Kushi

1-2 Tbsp Dark sesame oil

1 Cup crumbled tofu

1/2 Cup diced onion

1 Tbsp chopped scallion roots

1 Cup fresh corn kernels (scraped from 1 medium sized ear of corn)

2 Cups cooked brown rice

1-2 Tbsp tamari soy sauce or sea salt

1/2 Cup chopped parsley or scallions

Toasted nori strips

Heat a frying pan and add the oil. Add the tofu and scramble for 2 to 3 minutes. Add onion, scallion roots, corn and rice. Cover, reduce the heat to low, and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, or until the vegetables and rice are hot. Add a little tamari soy sauce or sea salt. Cook a few minutes longer. Just before the dish is ready, add the chopped parsley or scallions. Mix the rice and vegetables well. Serve and garnish with toasted strips of nori. If you want to keep the parsley or scallions bright green, do not cook them with the rice; simply use them as a garnish.

– If you have no roots on your scallion(green onion) You can use the tops.

– I used frozen organic corn niblets because it’s too early for fresh corn.

– I also used Shoyu instead of tamari .

– I served rice with steamed brussels sprouts with lemon rind , carrots with apple cider vinegar and black sesame seeds, parsley, green onion and a little roasted red pepper on the side.

2 Responses

  1. YEAH!!! I am so glad you are doing this…and showing pics of what it looks like! THANK YOU!

    1. Thank you happy butterfly!

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