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Category: Tips and Tricks

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Spring Challenge 2011!

Tomorrow I will be starting the second annual spring challenge. Last year went great! I used Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking). This year

Whole Foods Supper Club-Stone Soup

Interactive cooking class. This month is based on the story “stone soup” . The Story of Stone Soup Once upon a time, somewhere in

Whole Foods Supper Club!

AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER , FALL Tasty whole foods supper club. Fun, interactive cooking classes. Monthly starting January 20th at 6:30p.m

Packing and Popsicles

We are having this amazing tropical weather the last couple of days.. In the mid 30’s! It really makes packing a chore, a bore and

Packing and Pasta!

In just 5 weeks we will be moving back up to Canada. Trying to juggle 3 kids and 9 years worth of stuff is hectic

SpringChallenge day 30- Special Menu

Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Save February, with twenty-eight days clear, And twenty-nine each leap year. It’s