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Category: grains

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Whole Foods Supper Club!

AN INTERACTIVE COOKING CLASS SERIES WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER , FALL Tasty whole foods supper club. Fun, interactive cooking classes. Monthly starting January 20th at 6:30p.m

Spring Challenge:Day2-Maki Sushi

Maki Sushi, by Aveline Kushi Maki-sushi is the familiar rolled sushi. Popular varieties include nori-maki, consisting of lightly boiled carrots, scallion and egg; kappa-maki, cucumber;

Day 1- Steak Tartare

(April fools) Summer Style Fried Rice, by Aveline Kushi 1-2 Tbsp Dark sesame oil 1 Cup crumbled tofu 1/2 Cup diced onion 1 Tbsp chopped

Spring Challenge!

Tomorrow I will be starting my spring cooking challenge.  If you don’t own Aveline Kushi’s book(The Complete Guide To macrobiotic Cooking) don’t fret, I will

Rice Is Nice!

Rice and corn Patties 4 Cups cooked short grain organic brown rice 1/2 Cup corn flour 1 Tbsp arrowroot flour diluted in a little water


…”You wouldn’t try and drive an empty car to work would you? So why drive an empty body?” Breakfast –  (Literally breaking a fast ).

Seitan and Quinoa

I’m not talking about demons and quaint villages of Ireland ! This is  about wheat meat and an amazing grain! Quinoa -1 cup quinoa -2